Koolituse üldinfo
Koolituse aeg: 22.aprill 2022a
Koolituse kellaaeg: 10.00 – 13.15
Koolituse asukoht: A Le Coq Arena, Eesti Jalgpalli Liidu Konverentsikeskus
Aadress: Jalgpalli 21, Tallinn (Kristiine Keskuse vahetus läheduses)
Kuidas kohale tulla? Lisatud kaardil saate valida, kuidas tulla, vastavalt, kas tulete ühistranspordiga, autoga või jalgsi.
Endale sobiliku valiku saate teha siin.
Koolitust toimub projekti “Veebinõustamine seksuaaltervise edendamiseks” raames.
Koolitust rahastab: Eesti Haigekassa
Koolituse sisu ja ajakava
Koolituse ajakava:
9.30-10.00 – Saabumine ja tervitusamps
Terve koolituse vältel saab kommentaare lisada Padlet lingil, mis on avatav nii telefonis kui arvutis:
10.00-10.30 – Sexual Rights of the Refugees
Tommi Paalanen
Mentimeter küsimustik, mida koolitaja kasutab koolituse alguses, et osalejad saaksid vastata küsimustele. LInk on kergesti avatav nii telefonis kui ka arvutis: https://www.menti.com/xu7cwvpfgp
10.30 – 11.30
Good Practices from the Reception of Refugees in 2015-2016
Noora Nurminen & Krista Nurminen
11.30 – 11.45 – Kohvipaus
11.45 – 13.15 – Arutelu erinevatel teemadel
– Various vulnerabilities and creating secure environments
– Access to services and permits
– Recognizing and talking about sexualities
– Discussion about things to take into consideration within all the
Koolitajad: SEXPO oma ala eksperdid Tommi Paalanen, Noora Nurminen ja Krista Nurminen.
Tommi Paalanen is the Executive Director of Sexpo and an international specialist and trainer in sexual rights and ethics. His specialties also include philosophy of sex, liberal ethics, human rights, secularism; diversity of sexuality, gender and relationships; commercial sex, pornography and sex education. Paalanen is one of the founders of the Finnish Federation for Sexology.
Noora Nurminen is a human rights specialist and an expert on social inclusion, participation and integration. She is specialised in working with minorities, especially with sexual minorities. She has worked as a counselor in Reception Centers during the time when a large number of asylum seekers arrived to Finland in 2015. Her main tasks included providing counseling services to asylum seekers and helping in the launch of two new receptions centers. There she participated in building new structures and practices and was in charge of the volunteers.
Krista Nurminen is a sexologist and currently works for Sexpo as an International Project Planner. Her academic background is in Peace and Conflict Studies, and as part of her bachelor studies she conducted a minor field study in Zambia in 2014. The purpose of her thesis field research was to understand the different forms of violence and exploring in which ways gender-based violence continued during displacement.
Nurminen is the vice-chairperson and one of the founders of the Finnish Federation for Sexology. In her approach to sexology, Krista aims to create inclusive and safer spaces to the field.
Koolituse hind
Osalus kohapeal (registreerumine lõppenud):
ESTLi liikmetele: 35€
Mitte ESTLi liikmetele: 70€
Osalus via veebivahendusel
ESTLi liikmetele: 25€
Mitte ESTLi liikmetele: 60€
Registreeri end koolitusele
Palume registreeruda koolitusele hiljemalt 15.aprilliks 2022a.